
Monday Musings 9-6-21

September is here! The summer certainly flew by in a whirlwind of parties, graduations, barbecues, book events, and travel. I feel like I’m sliding into home plate with skinned knees, frazzled hair, and otherwise looking pretty worn around the edges. While I’m thrilled we were able to see family and friends, celebrate milestones, and get back into the world, I’m looking forward to the routine of fall.

We only have one child at home, and going back-to-school isn’t the event it used to be, but things still shift for me in September. Maybe it’s because I worked in education for so long, and I’m driven more by the school calendar than by the yearly calendar, that fall feels like a new year.

I take stock, organize my project schedules, and set writing targets. I’m excited to wake up in the morning. I’m focused. I’m productive. I’m in my groove. In fact, September and October are probably my most creative and generative months, so I’ve learned to plan my schedule accordingly. And, in the interest of accountability, I write it all down the same as I do in January.

So, what will I be up to this fall?

  • I’ll be digging in to developmental edits with my agent for Dreamwalker. You may remember that I worked until just about midnight on December 31st to make sure this draft didn’t drag into the New Year! I’ve done a little work on it since, but now it’s time to buckle down and get it done.

  • In addition, I’m working on some Maggie Clare projects. I hope to finish off the Tactical Solutions International romantic suspense series by Spring of 2022. To keep that schedule, I need to complete the next book this fall.

  • I’ve been working with a friend on a charming, magical middle grade book. I’ve finished the draft and a solid round of edits, and she’s pitching it to agents as we speak. Depending on the outcome, I may sign on to write more in the series.

  • I’m still working for Inkitt as the Managing Editor for the Writer’s Blog. I’ve also been writing articles for their main webpage, and producing a steady stream of blog posts profiling their employees and successful authors.

  • Book Club Babble continues to trot along, and I’ve got a line up of really amazing books to read and review for the fall.

I’m notorious for over-scheduling my work life, but I have to take advantage of my renewed energy in the fall, so, wish me luck. I’ll let you know how it goes!

In other news…

Today is our wedding anniversary! Ray and I have been married for 28 years, and I can’t begin to express how grateful I am for the life we’ve created together.

Monday Musings 9-7-20


It’s a gorgeous September day here in New England. Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. We had dinner out and stayed overnight in a hotel. It was perfect, and life felt almost normal.

We are currently sitting on the front porch watching our neighbors with young children pushing strollers, chasing after bikes with training wheels, and walking toddlers and puppies. We’ve both commented on how much we enjoyed that time in our lives - and it was quite a long time, raising four kids eleven years apart in total. We also very much appreciate where we are now - able to take off for the night without any prior arranging, except to make sure kid #3 feeds the dog.

This Covid summer, we were limited in what we could do and where we could go, so we spent it mostly home together, enjoying this life we’ve built. It’s a full, messy, sometimes chaotic life full of laughter, tears, and love, and neither of us would trade it.

With the approaching fall, we’ll shift into busy season with work, school activities, deadlines, and early mornings. Still, our life now is the result of conscious choices and proactive decisions. We are where we want to be, and for that I am incredibly grateful.

“Happiness is a deep sense of flourishing, not a mere pleasurable feeling or fleeting emotion but an optimal state of being.” – Matthieu Ricard

And now for some housekeeping items…

  • From now on, I’ll be sending Monday Musings on the first and third Monday of the month. Turns out, managing multiple author platforms while trying to produce content is actually quite time-consuming! If you’d like to follow my Maggie Clare blog on the second and fourth Monday each month, you can sign up at

  • I’m working diligently on Dreamwalker, my newest manuscript featuring a badass lady assassin, and I’ll be sharing a few sneak peeks here in the next few weeks, so stay tuned.

  • I’ve rebooked several Comic Cons and signings for 2021. You can find those dates here: Tabitha’s Event Schedule. Fingers crossed that the world will be safe enough for us to get together in person!

  • Of particular note, the Annual RI Author Expo on December 5th is going to be virtual this year. I’m the gal in charge of planning the programs and panels. So far they’re shaping up to be interesting and varied. More info to come as we get closer to the event.

As always, I welcome your questions, comments, and virtual interactions. Please do stay in touch!