Comic Cons

Monday Musings 8-2-21

I’ve just finished my first post-COVID book event. In fact, I’m writing this blog from my hotel room in Tampa, just outside the convention center. My two friends, fellow authors who also attended the Con, left this morning, but I am meeting my husband down here for a vacation. We’ll catch up with family we haven’t seen in far too long, and have quiet time together at the beach - a perfect ending to the outing!

As I write this, I’m remembering how exhausting these events are. My feet hurt, my voice is hoarse by the end, and I definitely don’t get enough sleep. Regardless, I’ve really missed this part of the writer’s life. I miss talking with fans who enjoy similar things. I miss sharing my process with aspiring writers. I miss the feeling of satisfaction I get when I sign a book I’ve written for a new or returning reader. Sure, I communicate with readers, fans, and fellow authors all the time via social media, email, or Zoom, and I am so grateful for these options, but they don’t replace the energy that’s generated when we’re together in the same room.

My friends and I presented at four different panels over the weekend. The audience was fully engaged. I find these moments, when total strangers connect over a shared interest, to be very powerful. It reminds me that despite the many things that divide us, we have much in common. We have stories to tell, experiences to share, vivid and unique imaginations that compel us to create. When I’m with fellow writers, artists, and other creative types, even in a setting that’s as light-hearted and pop-culture focused as a Comic Con, I’m reminded of the value in what we do.

“There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.” - Edward de Bono

Here’s a few fun photos from the weekend…

Monday Musings 9-7-20


It’s a gorgeous September day here in New England. Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. We had dinner out and stayed overnight in a hotel. It was perfect, and life felt almost normal.

We are currently sitting on the front porch watching our neighbors with young children pushing strollers, chasing after bikes with training wheels, and walking toddlers and puppies. We’ve both commented on how much we enjoyed that time in our lives - and it was quite a long time, raising four kids eleven years apart in total. We also very much appreciate where we are now - able to take off for the night without any prior arranging, except to make sure kid #3 feeds the dog.

This Covid summer, we were limited in what we could do and where we could go, so we spent it mostly home together, enjoying this life we’ve built. It’s a full, messy, sometimes chaotic life full of laughter, tears, and love, and neither of us would trade it.

With the approaching fall, we’ll shift into busy season with work, school activities, deadlines, and early mornings. Still, our life now is the result of conscious choices and proactive decisions. We are where we want to be, and for that I am incredibly grateful.

“Happiness is a deep sense of flourishing, not a mere pleasurable feeling or fleeting emotion but an optimal state of being.” – Matthieu Ricard

And now for some housekeeping items…

  • From now on, I’ll be sending Monday Musings on the first and third Monday of the month. Turns out, managing multiple author platforms while trying to produce content is actually quite time-consuming! If you’d like to follow my Maggie Clare blog on the second and fourth Monday each month, you can sign up at

  • I’m working diligently on Dreamwalker, my newest manuscript featuring a badass lady assassin, and I’ll be sharing a few sneak peeks here in the next few weeks, so stay tuned.

  • I’ve rebooked several Comic Cons and signings for 2021. You can find those dates here: Tabitha’s Event Schedule. Fingers crossed that the world will be safe enough for us to get together in person!

  • Of particular note, the Annual RI Author Expo on December 5th is going to be virtual this year. I’m the gal in charge of planning the programs and panels. So far they’re shaping up to be interesting and varied. More info to come as we get closer to the event.

As always, I welcome your questions, comments, and virtual interactions. Please do stay in touch!

Monday Musings 11-4-19


Usually, after a Comic Con or event weekend, I try to take a day off to recover. Today, I can’t, so I’ve got to power through and do my best. I’ve been thinking a little about what that means - doing my best. Over time, my relationship to that so-called motivational saying has changed. It used to feel like a lot of pressure, like I had to show up at the top of my game everywhere, all the time - in school, at work, as a parent. But, if I reframe my understanding of the idea, doing my best can feel like self-care, or at least like a realistic, healthy approach to where I’m at in the moment.

Today, my best means paring down my schedule to the absolute essentials. It means giving up on the idea of getting to the gym. It means asking for help to off load some of my errands. Other days, my best looks really different. When I’m feeling good, I get a lot done, from the laundry, to meeting my daily word count, to a workout, to blasting through my to-do list.

I think what I’ve come to understand is that doing my best should feel nurturing and satisfying, not stressful - whatever that means on any given day.

“Always Do Your Best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.” - Don Miguel Ruiz

I’ll be at the Tapped Apple tonight at 6:30 pm with author Mike Squatrito reading and signing books. They’ve got great apple wine and hard cider, so if you’re local, come on down!

Monday Musings 8-19-19


Another Comic Con in the books! I haven’t been back to Boston (now Fan Expo Boston) in a couple of years. It was great to see some old friends and make new ones. If you’ve just signed up for my mailing list, welcome to Monday Musings. Most days I wax poetic, in my own mind at least, about something personal, or dive into a writing topic, or give an update on my new releases and works-in-progress. It’s an opportunity to connect with you, and I welcome your notes in return. I love to hear from readers, friends, and fellow writers.

There’s always a highlight at a Con, and in Boston, the thoughtful, interesting, and lively discussions at the panels were that highlight. As a former teacher, I still think a lot about learning, specifically the way we can learn from each other through healthy listening and honest, respectful conversation.

It’s been my experience that aiming to discover the ‘right’ answer is far less productive than engaging earnestly with a question. When we truly listen to others, and respect that they have a perspective and life experience different from our own, real learning occurs and I think we evolve as human beings. I feel like there were several moments where that happened at, of all places, Comic Con!

Anyway, it was a great weekend, I have a ton of laundry, and I need a nap, but I still look forward to the next one!

For those of you who are new, meet our new kitten Yennefer. Old friends - she’s getting bigger!


Monday Musings 8-5-19

Con season is underway. Today I am writing from a hotel room in Tampa, with one heck of a con hangover! Tampa Bay was fantastic. I spoke on five panels, signed and sold dozens of books, and got to know some really interesting, kind people. If we met this weekend, it truly was a pleasure, and I’m so glad we'll be able to stay in touch through Monday Musings. You can also follow me on Instagram and FB (Tabitha Lord), and Twitter @tlordauthor.

I use this space to share personal musings, tidbits of writing advice, and lots of pictures of my kids and cats. You’ll also be the first to hear about new releases and any projects I’m working on. Since most of you newer folks are sci-fi fans, here’s a link to a short story of mine produced by StarShipSofa and performed by the amazing Andrea Richardson: Quest Nine. On my website,, you can also find a list of most of my published works and all the back issues of these Monday Musing posts.

We had some great discussions on the panels this weekend. For those aspiring writers interested in more info on writing craft, check out the Inkitt Writer’s Blog. If there’s a particular topic you’d like to see covered in an article, let me know. As the managing editor, I have a little pull!

Finally, I want to thank you if you bought my books this weekend. It is a joy to share my stories with readers and I truly hope you like the series! Don’t forget to leave a review:) Next stop, Boston Fan Expo August 16-18. If you’re in the area, I hope to see you there!

Below, for a Monday smile, Yennefer and Milo. Too cute for words!


Monday Musings 6-24-19

This morning I’m on my way to Six Flags to ride roller coasters with a few of my kids and their friends. This has always been one of my favorite start-of-summer adventures and I love that my kids still want me to do this with them.

Because I’m a little crunched for time, I’ll use today’s post to update you on my travel and signing schedule.

August 2-4 - Tampa Bay Comic Con - Three of us from the Association of RI Authors will be signing books all weekend. I’ll also be moderating and presenting on several panels and workshops. More info on that soon!

August 16-18 - Fan Expo Boston (formerly Boston Comic Con) - This was my first con and still one of my favorites. I’ll be signing all weekend.

September 25 - Lively Literati at the Greenwich Hotel in EG - This one’s local so come on down for a “literary” evening with readings, signings, and good conversation.

November 1-3 - Rhode Island Comic Con - Also local! I’ll be there all weekend!

And finally, in other news, I sold my short story Goodbye, Charlie to Tales to Terrify, an awesome podcast. This was my first attempt at writing horror and I’m thrilled someone liked it enough to produce it! I will let you know as soon as they give me an air date.

I’m off to ride Superman. Happy summer!

Monday Musings 4-15-19

It’s the Monday morning after a con again. I can barely keep my eyes open, my back is sore, my car is still waiting to be unloaded, and there are piles of laundry sprouting like weeds from every room in the house. But my face still hurts a little from laughing so hard all weekend. My back is partially sore because we had a mini dance party behind our booth. My mailing list is full of new names, including readers and aspiring writers I had the pleasure of meeting. And, my good friend and I outlined our new works-in-progress during the six hour drive home, both during and after our stop for Italian somewhere off the Jersey turnpike.

Cons are a place where fans, vendors, artists, writers, and celebrities share space and celebrate together. If you’ve never been to one, and your tastes don’t run toward zombies, aliens, superheroes, mythical creatures, or spaceships, you might miss the appeal. But if you have a sports team, band, or a hobby you truly love, you probably understand the enthusiasm at least. As someone who is both a fan of all things science fiction (and zombie, alien, superhero, mythical creature and spaceship related) and a creator in that world, I’m energized when I’m surrounded by others who enjoy the same things. I’m inspired by it even.

One of the best parts of spending time immersed in the fandom is doing it with my fellow authors. Sure we’re promoting our books, signing, talking to readers, and working hard. But we also have long stretches of time to discuss our craft, encourage each other, brainstorm, and of course, stay up late eating, drinking, and being merry. When I’m at these events, I am reminded how joyful it is to share something I love with a community who appreciates it.

Below, evidence of shenanigans!
