
Monday Musings 2-3-20


Usually, I like Mondays. To me, the start of the week feels full of potential. But, I have to admit, Monday mornings in February feel particularly Mondayish, if you know what I mean. The shine of the new year is wearing off, and the enthusiasm for sticking with the goals I’ve set and the projects I have to complete is waning slightly. This is the time for digging in, when I have to call on my will power and good habits to stay the course.

I realize during the dark days of mid-winter just how important healthy habits are to my productivity and well-being. The first, and probably most important habit, is my time management system. I’ve written before about my admittedly OCD method of structuring my days and weeks, but it becomes particularly important that I stick with it when I least feel like it. When I’m feeling uninspired and lethargic, I have a structure in place that keeps me moving forward. Here’s an article I wrote for Inkitt on the subject that you may find useful: 5 Tips for Time Management: A Busy Writer’s Guide.

In case you don’t want to read the whole article, here’s the ‘CliffsNotes’ version:

  1. Use a calendar! Start with broad strokes. Define your goals and major deadlines, and then back into the details.

  2. Structure your work life to honor your personal rhythms.

  3. Leave space for the unexpected. Equally as important, know when to say no.

  4. Use the tools available to increase efficiency.

  5. Schedule downtime and time for self-care. Put this on the calendar.

This time of year I also try not to over-schedule myself. I know in the fall, I have seemingly boundless energy and enthusiasm, but winter, not so much. I can’t go on a three-month vacation or hide out on a tropical island (those darn books won’t write themselves!), but I can be realistic about how much I can manage.

While most of my tips focus on the writer’s life, the basic principles worked for me when I was managing a whole different career, and when all the kids were little and my day-to-day looked very different. Maybe you’ll find something useful as you navigate February?

Upcoming Events:


February 14-16 - New England’s longest running science-fiction convention!

My panel schedule…

Pacing the Novel

Format: Panel

15 Feb 2020, Saturday 11:00 - 11:50, Marina 4 (Westin)

It’s crucial to the feel of the novel, but one of the least discussed aspects of fiction. How do you intensify a scene, bringing the reader deep into the narrative — yet still keep the novel moving along? Panelists share techniques for balancing intensity and movement within their work.

Genetic Engineering in SF

Format: Panel

15 Feb 2020, Saturday 14:00 - 14:50, Burroughs (Westin)

We have developed the ability to modify and change the genes in plants, animals, and creatures that fall into neither category. To some degree, we have the power to play god, but what are the possible consequences? What is actually possible versus probable? Can we create new species? Can we solve health care problems before conception? Can we grow non-sentient meat like we grow corn? Can we modify humanity to withstand climate change? If the science were only possible, what changes might we make to create a better future for mankind?

Troubleshooting Troublesome Manuscripts

Format: Panel

15 Feb 2020, Saturday 15:00 - 15:50, Marina 2 (Westin)

Our intrepid authors come together to share tips and tricks for tackling the most notorious issues that arise when writing and editing their work. Find out how to fix hidden plot holes, dangling loose ends, and the endings that just won't end!

Evolution of Greek Mythology in Contemporary Fantasy

Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 17:00 - 17:50, Marina 4 (Westin)

Some of the first, and most memorable, fantasy stories were born far in the past in a picturesque land bordered by the Ionian, the Aegean, and the Mediterranean Seas. How have these Greek tales filtered down through the ages, leaving their marks upon the annals of literature, and where can we still see the traces of their influence (if not their direct effect) upon modern fantasy and science fiction?

Kaffeeklatsch: Tabitha Lord

Format: Kaffeeklatsch
16 Feb 2020, Sunday 11:00 - 11:50, Galleria - Kaffeeklatsch 1 (Westin)


February 28- March 1

I’ll be signing and selling books all weekend at the Bard’s Tower booth.

Monday Musings 8-12-19

I like Mondays. To me, they represent potential for the new week ahead. How I feel when I wake up on a Monday morning is a good measurement of my overall health and well-being. Usually, I wake up refreshed and ready to jump into things. Sometimes, I don’t. It might be something simple like a meeting I’m not looking forward to, but occasionally it’s more than that, and I have to pay attention.

For nearly a year, I woke up on Mondays feeling exhausted, dreading my to-do lists and projects, not because I didn’t like my work, but because I wasn’t in good physical health. That was a sign for me that I needed to get a handle on things.

A few years ago, when I knew it was time to change careers, I’d wake up on Mondays weary and apprehensive. It may have been safer and perhaps easier to stay on that path, to do the familiar job I was good at, but in my gut, I knew a change would be for the better if I had the courage to take the leap.

We all have that small, still voice inside us that let’s us know if we are on the right path. It takes courage to listen, but I believe in the end, I believe we are better off when we do.

“Your mind knows only some things. Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything. If you listen to what you know instinctively, it will always lead you down the right path.” - Henry Winkler

In other news, I’ll be at Fan Expo Boston this weekend signing books and hosting panels. Stop by booth A703 and say hello! You can find more info on the Con schedule, tickets, and programming here: Fan Expo Boston

Here’s my panel schedule for the weekend:

Friday August 16 -  6pm in room 253B

World Building 101 

Saturday August 17 - 11:30am in room 160B

Girl Power: Exploring Themes of Feminism in Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Saturday August 17 - 1:30pm in room 253C

Exploring Real World Conflicts in Otherworldly Settings

Hope to see you there!!!