Monday Musings 1-3-22

Each December, like many people, I use the end of the calendar year as an opportunity to review and reflect, and the first week of January to think about my new intentions. What do I want to accomplish? How do I want to spend my time? Are there changes I want to make personally or professionally? My alter ego, Maggie Clare, has already shared the results of this process, and you can read about that HERE if you’re interested.

Often during this time of deep introspection, I’ll hear something that inspires me or acts as almost a mission statement for my upcoming year’s focus. At a recent yoga class, the instructor read an inspirational passage. The phrase that caught my attention was ‘fall in love with your destiny.’

I’ve been thinking about this a lot over the last few days. There may be paths I didn’t take, opportunities I may have missed, but the choices I did make have all led me here. When I look at my busy, messy, interesting life, full of people I adore and work that fulfills me, I can’t help but feel gratitude. I am in love with my own destiny. Even the challenges, which in the midst of them feel overwhelming, contribute to the colorful patchwork quilt of my life. When I look back at the pieces that have already been woven, they’re unique and beautiful, if imperfect. When I look ahead, to the pieces that haven’t been crafted yet, I see potential.

May you all fall in love with your destiny, whatever it is and wherever it takes you. Wishing you peace and joy in 2022.